Now that we have established the fact that I am a college student who needs money, I'll catch you up (if you haven't read today's post in Finding Words For Life). I had already been working a part time job at a small restaurant in Saratoga (yummm), and a short time after my initial post, I was offered a second job as an intern at the local hub of an online college. As you can assume, job a + job b = no free time for me (yay, I rhymed). However, things have started to settle between the two jobs and I can finally sit down at my little desk and hunch back over my computer (such a strange feeling of uncomfortable relaxation).
So, since you are now up to date, we can step back into my world of cosplay! :D
Last post, I told you I would put up some pictures, so here they are:

(Ponyta: Pokemon and Gijinka respectively).
Again, this costume is still in the planning stages and I hope to complete it by 8/14 for UNYCosplay's Cosplay Picnic.
(Homburg Molly from the TLGW books)
Unfortunately, it looks like this costume may not happen this year. I just don't have the proper funds or time to make it and still do the character justice (as many people say: cosplay is the art of making the impossible and wearing it), also the date for this costume party still hasn't been set and I haven't even started it. I was really excited to make it though, so it will definitely stay in my folders for a future time.
So that's where I am right now; I apologize for the lapse in posts and I hope to be back next week with more exciting news. Comment and check back! :)
So that's where I am right now; I apologize for the lapse in posts and I hope to be back next week with more exciting news. Comment and check back! :)