Monday, June 28, 2010

That 'Next Post' I Had Mentioned

So apparently free time and I don't tend to get along very well ... especially in the summer. You would think that that's kind of strange right? Aren't students supposed to have more time in the summer? Well not if you are a college student: college sucks the free time and the money right out of you. So during what little free time I do get, I work fervently to put away a few pieces of this green cloth that people love and refer to as money.

Now that we have established the fact that I am a college student who needs money, I'll catch you up (if you haven't read today's post in Finding Words For Life). I had already been working a part time job at a small restaurant in Saratoga (yummm), and a short time after my initial post, I was offered a second job as an intern at the local hub of an online college. As you can assume, job a + job b = no free time for me (yay, I rhymed). However, things have started to settle between the two jobs and I can finally sit down at my little desk and hunch back over my computer (such a strange feeling of uncomfortable relaxation).

So, since you are now up to date, we can step back into my world of cosplay! :D

Last post, I told you I would put up some pictures, so here they are:

(Ponyta: Pokemon and Gijinka respectively).

Again, this costume is still in the planning stages and I hope to complete it by 8/14 for UNYCosplay's Cosplay Picnic.

(Homburg Molly from the TLGW books)

Unfortunately, it looks like this costume may not happen this year. I just don't have the proper funds or time to make it and still do the character justice (as many people say: cosplay is the art of making the impossible and wearing it), also the date for this costume party still hasn't been set and I haven't even started it. I was really excited to make it though, so it will definitely stay in my folders for a future time.

So that's where I am right now; I apologize for the lapse in posts and I hope to be back next week with more exciting news. Comment and check back! :)