Saturday, August 21, 2010

Change in Posts

Again, nothing to post. :-/
I will hold off on posting these meaningless updates. I will keep true to Saturday posts, so the Saturday after something finally happens, you will be informed.


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, I have nothing to report. Sorry if this is disappointing, but that's how things go with my cosplay undertakings. :-/ I'm wondering if I should cut this down to once a month posting.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ta Da!

Wowser, Saturday was strange and I meant to be home on time to actually post this on Sunday, but it didn't happen.

So, here they are. Super late, but still here:

Ponyta Gijinka Cosplay Patterns

Unfortunately I will not be attending the cosplay picnic this year, so this will get done later rather than sooner. But I assure you, this will be the next costume I finish!

On another sad note, seeing as I haven't even had time to blog, I obviously haven't had time to work on this costume, so I don't have much more to post for you this week ... or last week. :-/