Are you ready for it?
I thought that, since I only have weekly posts here, it would be a good idea to have some pattern to them. So, since this blog is "Sticks and Stitches," I decided to make my weekly posts on Saturdays, with a short post on Sundays!
I know, the things I come up with are amazing even to me sometimes. ;)
Since my last post was on Monday, and my next post is this coming Saturday, I decided I'd give you a fun post to pass the time between.
The first real cosplay I created was Mikoto Minagi from Mai Hime (generally referred to as 'My Hime'). I submitted it in the Cosplay Contest at Genericon XX (2007) and it was awarded the craftsmanship award for most accurate cosplay. Boy was that exciting! :D Unfortunately, my subsequent cosplays were not finished enough to compete in later years and this is really as far as I have gotten in the social cosplay world. :(
Mikoto Minagi cosplay: Mai Hime
(Official US site)
There is also the case of my Lumen cosplay from Mai Otome ... this was submitted to the Cosplay Competition in Genericon XXI, but was unfortunately not up to my personal standards, or the judges'. I rather wish I had pulled it from the competition; I had done a substancial amount of work on it, but it just wasn't ready. The body looks great, but the head piece is another matter.

Lumen: Mai Otome
I don't even have a photo of my Lumen cosplay. Some day I will finish the headpiece and whips (correctly), I see no reason why I won't especially since this cosplay is more than 75% done!
So, that's it for today. I'll have some more up-to-date things on Saturday.
Comment and check back! I'd love to hear about your own adventures into the world of cosplay!

Lumen: Mai Otome
I don't even have a photo of my Lumen cosplay. Some day I will finish the headpiece and whips (correctly), I see no reason why I won't especially since this cosplay is more than 75% done!
So, that's it for today. I'll have some more up-to-date things on Saturday.
Comment and check back! I'd love to hear about your own adventures into the world of cosplay!
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