Saturday, July 10, 2010

Patterns for Ponyta

Happy Saturday! I work on Saturdays and keep getting thrown off, thinking that Saturdays are Fridays. I think I need to get some more sleep to fix my brain. ;)

Either way, I do have an update on the Ponyta Gijinka Cosplay! I have drawn up some preliminary patterns for the cosplay (unfortunately my scanner is on the fritz and I don't have a copy of them to post, I hope to get it to you tomorrow).

When people first start cosplaying, they have to think whether they want to use pre-made patterns, modify pre-made patterns, create their own patterns, or just wing it. I generally just take my shears to some fabric and see where it gets me. This is a great way to understand the mathematics of sewing; however, one wrong cut could ruin an entire piece and, since you would need to go back and re-cut the piece, you could ruin a significant amount of fabric (as we have previously established, I am a poor college student and a waste of fabric means a waste of money).

Because of this monetary problem, I have decided to take the extra time to make some patterns. Usually I just brainstorm the pieces for the cosplay (ie: shirt, jacket, skirt) and have at it, but I decided it might be a smart idea to plan it a bit more, haha.

So, look for a post with those patterns tomorrow. :) If I still can't get them up, I'll let you know.

Keep cosplaying,

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